Save on Treatments with Our Dental Benefit Program
No Insurance, No Problem
Learn about our free program for your business
Bring this Important Benefit to Your Employees
We are dedicated to helping you bring dental health to your members. The Dental Benefit Program at New Mexico Smile Center in Albuquerque, NM, is a no-cost discount plan customized specifically for your organization. Offering significant savings and benefits, this plan is the perfect choice for your group.
Add value to your benefit program by providing this alternative to traditional dental insurance. Learn more about the program by looking through the following questions and answers:
Frequently Asked Questions about the Dental Benefit Program
Question: Is there any cost to me as the employer?
Answer: No, there is no cost for you to bring these valuable benefits to your employees. We do not charge you for anything associated with the program. There are also no costs to your employees. They simply enjoy the benefits that you bring them without any program fees.
Question: Is this a program customized for my business?
Answer: Yes, your employees will experience this as a valuable, customized benefit that you provide. Your employees will receive a customized dental benefit card with your group’s name and each group member’s name on the card.
Question: What are the benefits for me and my business?
Answer: At no cost, you provide significant savings to your employees. Show them that you care about their health by bringing them this program. Bring them cost saving discounts that are impossible for them to negotiate on their own.
Question: How does the plan work?
Answer: Joining the plan means that your employees enjoy pre-negotiated special savings on our dental services. The program is easy to use. Your members simply make an appointment at the New Mexico Smile Center and show their card to enjoy the savings.
Question: Does this plan cover my employee’s family members?
Answer: Yes! All family members may enjoy the benefits. Each family member over the age of 18 will receive their own plan card.
Question: How can I maximize savings for my employees?
Answer: We encourage the use of the program in combination with Health Savings Plans and other personal savings tools. Call for details and learn how your employees can set aside pre-tax dollars for dental services. Combining our discount benefits program with such programs has proven to be an efficient way to pay for dentistry.
Question: Is this dental insurance?
Answer: No, this program should not be confused with traditional dental insurance. The plan does not pay any claims nor receive any premium payments required for participation. This is a discount program that costs nothing to join. There are no waiting periods, annual maximum limits nor deductibles to be paid by the patient. we pride ourselves on making this plan easy-to-use by your employees.
Call Today to Learn More about the Dental Benefit Plan